Monday, November 19, 2007

Over, Under, Around and Thru...

Today my darling daughter hit a major milestone. hehehe!!! She tied her laces all on her own. She was so proud of herself that she came running into me, "Mommy, mommy I did it! Look I tied my shoe. Look!" She hadn't even done the other foot yet, she was just so proud. What can I say i was proud of her too.

Isn't she getting big!?!


Amber said...

She is so cute! Great job on this new accomplishment!

ELIZ said...

Good Job Leah! you are getting sooo BIG. We love you
Grandma Rowbury

Cami said...

Congrats, Leah! Way to go.

Jenni said...

Yay!! It's a lovely thing to have one less persons shoes to tie!:)

Kellie said...

What a gorgeous picture. She is a sweetheart. I love seeing her in primary.

Jann said...

YIPPEE! I love every second when my kids become just a little more independent.

Scarlett said...

That is a HUGE accomplishment! Wow, she's so little and so bright, not to mention gorgeous! I love her picture! hugs.

Brenda said...

wow! That's pretty amazing for her age. I guess I need to start teaching Shay (: